Microcement price: what is its cost per m2

Microcement has conquered interior designers, decorators and architects for its high performance among which its resistance to high temperatures, abrasion and wear, and capacity to adhere to any type of support stands out. Its ease of combining aesthetic finishes with functionality has made this coating a trend.

But before we stop to explain what the price of microcement is and the factors that influence it, let's delve a little deeper into the advantages offered by this decorative coating.

Microcement: an affordable material with many advantages

ThemicrocementIt is a continuous decorative coating of only 3 millimeters thick that has become the preferred material of professionals in the sector. Thanks to its numerous benefits, it has managed to distinguish itself from the rest of the construction materials.

A highlight, among its advantages, is its easy application to any type of surface, both vertical and horizontal, even on those that are always in contact with water. There is no need to remove the existing support, we are talking about a perfect alternative to renew spaces without the need to fill everything with debris.

The fact that it is a jointless coating means that the finishes that can be achieved with it are up to high decoration. Its cleaning and maintenance become a very easy and economical process, as it being a continuous coating does not accumulate dirt in it.

Having a clear understanding of this material and the benefits it offers to professionals, we are going to explain the factors that influence the determination of the price of microcement.

Factors that determine the price of microcement

Like any other construction material, the price of microcement is directly influenced by a series of factors that are not always closely related to the material itself, but to the space or surface to be coated. We explain one by one the factors that determine the final budget for remodeling with this coating.

Condition of the surface before applying microcement

This is the first factor to point out when we talk about the price of microcement. A surface in poor condition implies a higher cost of the project, as it requires more work hours and a greater amount of material. The difficulties are greater when it is a support that needs prior repair.

Microcement in a minimalist style living room with white and gray tones

Microcement in a minimalist style living room with white and gray tones

Although this cost cannot be directly attributed to microcement, as it is necessary for its application a support that is clean, consolidated and leveled. For example if we are going to coat a wall, but before it needs to be fixed or smoothed, the cost will be higher. The price also usually increases if there are joints, many corners or areas with irregular shapes.

An area where there is humidity translates into an increase in the application price, since on these surfaces it is necessary to apply a epoxy resin to block the humidity and thus avoid future damages to the microcement coating.

The use of this material implies necessarily a surcharge. Keep in mind that a well executed and protected coating becomes a durable finish over time. Generally, the application is executed with greater simplicity when there is more smooth space.

Square meters to be coated with microcement

A larger number of square meters implies more materials, but in large projects the applicator has more room to lower the price. Preparatory times are the same for large and small spaces, but in areas with many square meters, the application of microcement is more effective and fluid, as these are surfaces with greater flatness and no corners. Therefore, proportionally less work hours are required.

Expert microcement applicators

Skilled labor is essential for achieving quality finishes. Microcement is not a simple material to apply and expert applicators are a guarantee to make the most of the material and know what application method is most convenient in each space.

It requires a lot of technique, specific training, and experience to master the application of microcement. Furthermore, not all applicators have the same geographical availability, which also influences the budget. Investing money in professionals with proven experience is the first step towards achieving elegant and sophisticated environments.

Quality of materials

The quality of the microcement directly influences the price and depends on the ingredients used in the production process, the granulometry, as well as primers and sealing varnishes, which make the difference to achieve aesthetic and resistant finishes. The quality of the materials, coupled with the experience of the microcement applicator, is the perfect formula for achieving a complete and professional application.

Microcement application areas

The areas or spaces that are to be coated are also a determining factor in the price of microcement. A floor is not the same as a staircase, where the price will not depend on the square meters but on the number of steps that you want to coat. Moreover, in staircases, the speed of application is lower and more work time is needed.

The duration of the renovation

As with any type of renovation, time is a very important factor that is going to determine the final price. Applicators charge by time, so the more time they spend on a job, the more the total cost will increase. Materials are also something to consider since, usually, the longer the renovation lasts, the more resources are being used, which will also make the renewal process more expensive.

As for the estimated duration of a renovation with microcement, we cannot stipulate a certain period because it will depend on many factors such as the meters to cover, the number of professionals used, or the unforeseen issues that may arise. What we can anticipate is that obtaining a correct application on floors is estimated at a week while on walls the average is between three or four days, so they tend to be longer on pavements than on vertical surfaces.

Microcement price for floors: quality floors

The microcement floor is one of the most popular decorative coverings today. It is a highly resistant material that perfectly adapts to any type of surface, both indoors and outdoors. In fact, terraces and swimming pools built with microcement are increasingly common, a trend that continues to rise for the next year.

Microcement floor in an empty living room with views to the countryside

Microcement floor in an empty living room with views of the countryside

This coating is characterized by offering numerous benefits. Firstly, its high resistance to pedestrian traffic makes it ideal for use in homes and commercial establishments with a high influx of people. In addition, microcement is also resistant to abrasion and wear, making it an ideal option for high-traffic floors.

Another great advantage of microcement is its ability to withstand temperature changes. This is why it is increasingly being used on outdoor surfaces, such as terraces and swimming pools. Microcement perfectly adapts to temperature changes and does not crack or break, making it ideal for outdoor spaces.

Even though it is commonly used on floors, microcement is also used on walls and ceilings. In fact, its great versatility is one of the most outstanding characteristics of this material. Additionally, microcement can be applied on any surface, whether it is concrete, ceramic, tile or wood, among others. This means that it is not necessary to remove the existing coating, which reduces the cost and time of installation.

So now, what is the price of a microcement floor? Although there is no unique answer, there are several factors that influence the final cost. One of the main factors is the size of the surface to cover. The larger the surface, the greater the amount of material needed and, therefore, the greater the cost.

Another factor influencing the price is the complexity of the surface to be coated. If there are many corners and nooks, more detailed and careful work will be necessary, increasing the cost of the project. Additionally, the condition of the surface is also important. If there are cracks or fissures, it will be necessary to carry out a repair before the application of the microcement, which will increase the final cost.

The execution time of the project is also an important factor to consider. Although the application of microcement is relatively fast, it is necessary to wait for it to dry and be sealed properly before using the surface. In general, the execution time of a microcement floor project ranges between one and two weeks.

As for compatibility with radiant heating systems, microcement is an excellent choice. It is only necessary to follow a proper ignition protocol to avoid cracks and fissures due to sudden changes in temperature. And the best part is that this will not increase the final price of the project.

Microcement flooring is an aesthetic and functional option for any type of surface. Its high resistance and versatility make it ideal for use in homes and commercial establishments, both indoors and outdoors. The fact that it is an eco-friendly and low-maintenance material makes it even more attractive for those looking for a practical and sustainable solution for their floors.

Although the price of microcement flooring can be higher than other flooring options, its long lifespan and resistance to abrasion and wear more than make up for the initial expense. Additionally, keep in mind that the final price will depend on several factors, such as the size of the surface to be covered, the complexity of the work, and the quality of the materials used.

If you are considering the possibility of installing microcement flooring in your home or business, it is important that you consider all these factors and get in touch with professionals in the field to advise you on the best options and final cost. Make sure to work with trusted companies and with extensive experience in the installation of microcement floors, to ensure that the work is done properly.

In conclusion, microcement flooring is a modern and elegant option for those seeking a durable, resistant and aesthetically pleasing pavement. If you are willing to invest in a high-quality material that requires little maintenance and will last for many years, microcement flooring is definitely an option to consider. Make sure to work with trustworthy professionals and do not be swayed by prices that are too low, as this could result in low-quality work that will cost you more in the long run.

The price of applying microcement on walls: high-altitude renovations

Another of the most common surfaces where professionals work with microcement are walls. This coating provides them with a breadth that few other building materials can provide.

As with flooring, the initial condition of the surface and the meters to be renovated are two of the main triggers when setting the final budget. The final cost will also be influenced by geographical travel needs of the applicators to carry out the no-construction renovation.

Microcement bathroom price: the most accurate investment

Do you want to renovate your bathroom but don't know what material to use for the tiles? Microcement is an option that is becoming increasingly popular among consumers, and it's no wonder because of its multiple advantages compared to other materials. Want to know more about the price and features of microcement for bathrooms? Keep reading!

Microcement bathroom with an industrial style that enhances the decorative floor covering

Microcement flooring in a bathroom

Bathrooms are one of the most important rooms in any home, as they are not only used daily, but they are also places where we want to feel comfortable and relaxed. Therefore, it is important to choose a resistant, durable and easy to maintain material. And this is where microcement comes into play.

This material has become a very popular option for bathroom cladding thanks to its multiple benefits. To start with, microcement has no joints, which makes it much easier to clean than other materials like tiles. Simply with water and neutral soap, you can keep your microcement bathroom in perfect condition for years.

In addition, microcement is a material very resistant to water and humidity, so it is perfect for bathrooms. If you apply a suitable sealer, you can get a completely waterproof and non-slip surface, which will give you greater security in your day to day.

Another advantage of microcement is its versatility. You can use it on floors, walls, ceilings, sinks, bathtubs and showers, allowing you to create a totally personalized bathroom to your liking. In addition, microcement perfectly adapts to any decorative style, from the most modern and minimalist to the most classic and elegant.

But, how much does a microcement bathroom cost? The price can vary depending on several factors, such as the size of the bathroom, the amount of square meters to cover, the quality of the material and the experience of the applicator. Generally, the price of microcement is higher than other materials like ceramic or stoneware, but its long-term advantages can offset this price difference.

It is important to bear in mind that the price of microcement can vary depending on the geographical area in which you are located. In some cities or countries, microcement can be more expensive due to supply and demand or competition in the market.

Regarding the application of microcement in the bathroom, it is important to emphasize that not all elements have the same price. The application of microcement in a bathtub or shower requires more skill and time from the applicator, so the price tends to be higher. On the other hand, the application of microcement in the floor or walls may have a more affordable price.

When choosing a microcement applicator, it is important to ensure that it is a professional with experience and uses quality materials. If the applicator lacks experience, it is possible that the finish won't be as desired and material could deteriorate over time.

In summary, microcement is an excellent option for bathroom coverings. This material has become a decorative trend thanks to its versatility, ease of maintenance, and customizable finishes. Microcement bathrooms are a functional and aesthetic option that offers non-slip and waterproof finishes, perfect for a space that requires continuous and deeper cleaning.

Even though the cost of microcement bathrooms varies depending on the surface on which the coating is to be applied, the final result is more affordable compared to other materials. In addition, its application requires less time and labor, which translates into a lower final cost. However, it is important to bear in mind that the price will also depend on the quality of the material and the standard rates each applicator offers for their services.

In conclusion, if you are thinking about renovating your bathroom, microcement is an excellent option that offers numerous advantages. Thanks to its customized finishes, versatility, and ease of maintenance, you will be able to enjoy a modern and functional bathroom at an affordable price. Moreover, as it is a durable and resistant material, you can enjoy your microcement bathroom for many years without having to worry about its maintenance.

We hope this information has been useful for you to know more about microcement bathrooms and their advantages as a material for coatings. Remember that when choosing a material for your bathroom, it is important to take into account both its functional and aesthetic aspects, and microcement is an option that combines both characteristics in an exceptional way. Encourage yourself to give a modern and functional touch to your bathroom with microcement!

Microcement for outdoor: what influences its price

Coating outdoor surfaces with microcement is one of the best options thanks to its great resistance to abrasion, changes in temperature and continuous contact with water and sunlight that this material has.

The price of microcement for outdoors is directly influenced by the labor to be contracted and the area to be coated. The greater the complexity and square meters of the surface to be renovated, the higher the budget for the renovation. It is not the same to cover with this material the floor of a porch than the facade of an entire house.

Pools that acclimate to you

Pools lined with microcement are becoming trendy because of the finishes that this material offers. Compared to those lined with gresite, they are easier to clean and maintain, thanks to the absence of joints.

Although it is true that the price of microcement for pools depends on various factors, one decisive one is the specialized labor to be contracted to do it, since to coat this type of surfaces specific techniques are necessary that not all applicators know how to use.

Patios: the value of calm

Another of the spaces where every day it is more common to find us with the microcement covering its floor or its walls are the patios. This is thanks to its resistances that allow it to resist the weather and any climatic inclemency.

Its ability to last longer in better condition helps it blend in with the environment and merge its walls and floors with any natural surroundings where the property in question is placed, allowing us to relax and thoroughly enjoy great sensations without having to leave home.

In the case of the application, its price may increase depending on the conditions of the support that was there. If this was very damaged, because it was outdoors, it will need to be repaired, which will increase the cost.

Price scale for microcement coatings in 2022

If the time comes to start a project with microcement, the first thing is to have an approximate assessment of the cost it will involve. It is essential to know how many meters are going to be covered and in which area: floors, walls, kitchens, bathrooms, stairs, exteriors. It should be taken into account that the conditions of the application of microcement are not the same if it is about coating the entire house or only the bathrooms.

Now, how much does microcement cost per square meter? The price ranges between 60 and 100 euros approximately, although everything will depend on the state of the surface, the application areas, the square meters, the quality of the materials and the labor. In general, the type of work and the chosen microcement finishes influence the average cost of the microcement.

Do you want more information about the price of microcement per square meter?Contact usand our sales team will provide you with a complete advice about the application processes, the most suitable products for each project and the professionals who make each project a work of craftsmanship.

The price of microcement: comparison with other materials

When refurbishing a house or a commercial premises, one of the most important decisions to be made is the choice of materials to be used for decorative finishes. Among these, one of the determining factors tends to be the price, since the available budget is a limit that cannot be exceeded.

Living room with a blue microcement wall

Blue microcement wall in living room with white sofa and lamps

In this regard, microcement has become an increasingly popular option, due to its competitive price compared to other materials. One of the main advantages of microcement is that it can be applied directly on the existing surface, without needing to remove the previous coating. This implies a significant saving in time and money, as it is not necessary to clear debris and construct to place the new material.

Contrarily, other materials such as wood, some types of tiles, parquet flooring, polished concrete, marble, and ceramics, among others, require the removal of the existing covering before applying the new material. This results in a significant increase in the cost of labor in applying them, as well as the need to apply for the corresponding construction permit.

It is important to note that the price of microcement varies depending on the surface on which the coating is to be applied. It is not the same to create a shower or bathtub with microcement, which requires more experienced labor and more execution time, than to apply it on the floor, for example. Therefore, the majority of applicators charge more to cover elements such as showers, bathtubs or bathroom furniture with microcement.

In addition, the price of microcement is also subject to the condition of the support and the square meters to be covered, as mentioned earlier. Likewise, the quality of the material and the standard rates each applicator charges for their services are factors that influence the final price of microcement bathrooms.

Despite these variables, it is clear that the price of microcement is significantly reduced if we compare it with other materials. For example, if you want to remodel a bathroom with tiles on the walls and floor, you have to demolish and remove the tiles first, which creates the corresponding debris and dirt. In contrast, these inconveniences disappear with microcement, as it will be enough to fill the joints between the tiles and apply a primer to place the microcement on top, without the need for construction.

Another aspect to consider is that microcement not only saves on labor costs, but also on maintenance. Without joints, its cleaning is much simpler than other materials as dirt does not accumulate as it does in tiles. With water and neutral soap, it is more than enough to keep the microcement clean and in perfect condition.

In addition, microcement bathrooms can boast of offering non-slip and waterproof finishes against running water and ambient humidity, if a good seal is performed. This is a great advantage over other materials that can slip more easily and do not offer the same resistance to moisture.

Another interesting aspect of microcement is that it can be applied over a wide variety of surfaces without the need to remove the previous cladding. This represents a huge saving in time and costs compared to other materials that require a removal process of the previous cladding. Moreover, microcement is very easy to clean and maintain, which makes it a very practical and convenient option for everyday use.

Another significant advantage of microcement is its versatility. This material adapts to any decorative style and can be used both indoors and outdoors, on floors, walls, ceilings, and furniture. Likewise, different finishes can be achieved, from the roughest and most natural, to the most polished and elegant.

In terms of costs, microcement can be cheaper than other materials because its application is quick and simple, reducing labor time and, therefore, labor costs. Plus, it does not require the completion of works or debris removal, resulting in significant time and cost savings.

It is also important to highlight that microcement is an eco-friendly and sustainable material, as it is composed of natural and non-toxic materials. Therefore, it is a respectful option for the environment and the health of people.

In terms of its durability, microcement is a very resistant material that lasts over time, as long as it is correctly applied and maintained. It is important to follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding its cleaning and care to ensure its durability over time.

In conclusion, microcement is becoming increasingly popular in interior and exterior decoration due to its multiple advantages. It is a versatile, durable, sustainable, and easy-to-maintain material that offers a wide variety of finishes and can be applied to a wide variety of surfaces without removing the previous coating, which makes it a very practical and economic option compared to other materials. If you are thinking of renovating your spaces, microcement is an option worth considering.